About Us
The Webmartial Shop sells martial arts products and equipment, directly from China, with worldwide shipping. since its creation in 2010. The Webmartial Shop is a service of the company iitoa ltd, based in Hong Kong.
Legal Notice
- Company: IITOA Ltd
- Address: Room 401, 4/F., Wanchai Central Building, 89 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. (note: this is not the address of return or exchange products, please contact us for return instructions or exchange)
- Registration number in the Hong Kong Company Registry: 1418858
Contact us
History of Webmartial
Webmartial, founded in 1998, is the No. 1 martial arts website on the French-speaking web. After its creation in 1998, Webmartial quickly became a huge success at the time, notably thanks to its forum and its martial arts schools search engine. After the forum launch, in 1999, the Webmartial forum became extremely popular. It was the only place where French-speaking martial artists from around the world could finally communicate with each other on the web for the first time! Since its creation in 1998, Webmartial has remained the most popular website on the French-speaking web, and continues to develop internationally, on the English-speaking web.
Why create the Webmartial Shop?
The Webmartial Shop was created by a team of traditional martial arts enthusiasts, living in China. Being ourselves martial arts practitioners in China, we are closer to the "heart" of the martial arts world that is China, and we are regularly in contact with great masters of Chinese martial arts. We had noticed that it was difficult for martial arts practitioners in Europe, United States and the rest of the world to acquire authentic Chinese martial arts equipment of good quality. Indeed, in 2010, at the time of the launch of our shop, the catalogs of Chinese martial arts equipments abroad were often poor in choice, without possible customizations, with low quality.
As we are ourselves martial arts practitioners in China, we found that there were very high quality high-end martial arts uniforms and equipments in China, which were unfortunately not available abroad. So we decided to find all the best genuine martial arts products we could find in China, and ship them to the rest of world with our online shop.
Our company is based in Hong Kong, it is an ideal location, which allows us to offer a comprehensive catalog of high-end Chinese martial arts equipment, that are authentics and can be customized. We would not be able to provide all of this if we were not located directly in China.
Our brands
The two brands Webmartial ® and Linoalium ® belong to iitoa ltd. More information about our brands...